Ayurveda Discussion and Global Episode

Ayurveda, Modern Medicine, and Globalization

Bharat introduced the topic of Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of traditional medicine, and its relevance in modern life. The discussion focused on the benefits of Ayurveda, its integration with modern medicine, and its potential to alleviate chronic diseases. The experts emphasised the importance of understanding and utilising the medicinal properties of natural herbs and products. Prof. Ish Sharma discussed transitioning from traditional Ayurvedic medicine to modern treatments for non-communicable diseases, emphasising the need for lifestyle changes. The team agreed to make the content accessible to all backgrounds. Dr. Pradeep Sharma shared his experiences and insights on the globalisation of Ayurveda, discussing the challenges and limitations faced in the field, particularly in Australia. The discussion then moved on to Dr Naveen Gupta, who was invited to speak on Ayurveda’s globalisation and the intersection of psychotherapy and emotional health with Ayurveda, with London sharing their personal journey and thoughts.

Ayurveda, Central Obesity, and Integration Challenges

The discussion centred around the issue of central obesity and the potential benefits of Ayurveda for emotional and mental well-being. The participants, including an Italian neurologist, an Ayurvedic expert, and a professor from Mauritius, emphasised the importance of educating the younger generation about Ayurveda and promoting its integration into Western and non-Indian communities. The discussion also highlighted the challenges of integrating Ayurveda and modern medicine, the need for a unified approach to their work, and the potential of Ayurveda in treating chronic diseases. The participants also shared their experiences and perspectives on the globalisation and unification of Ayurveda, focusing on understanding and implementing its principles.

Ethics, Critical Thinking, and Integration in Clinical Practice

Dr. Shridev emphasised the importance of ethics and critical thinking in clinical training and practice. He stressed the need for effective communication, avoiding bias, and mastering basic diagnostic techniques. Dr Shridev also highlighted the significance of ethics in Ayurvedic practice, advocating for a thorough examination and proper diagnosis before treatment. Bharat asked about standardising these teachings for practical implementation. Dr. Antonio supported integrating Ayurveda with modern science for global acceptance.

Ayurveda Education and Career Opportunities

Ayurveda: The Science of Life. Dr. Narendra and Prof. Ish Sharma discussed Ayurvedic education and careers in India and Mauritius, clarifying foreign students can pursue recognized courses with government scholarships. Dr Bhairav emphasised Ayurveda as a holistic, centuries-old Indian system focused on movement, mind, sleep, nutrition, and social well-being. London Nil proposed creating an informational flyer about the Ayurvedic fraternity globally.

Ayurveda Principles and Global Awareness

Dr Bhairav discussed the principles of Ayurveda, emphasising the importance of individual dietary needs, mindful eating, and using Ayurvedic remedies for common ailments. He also highlighted consuming certain foods and natural anti-inflammatory substances for specific health conditions. Dr VD then stressed the importance of following daily and seasonal routines, engaging in appropriate exercise, and maintaining a positive mindset for a healthy life. The discussion also touched on the need to promote Ayurveda awareness globally, integrating modern techniques with Ayurvedic documentation, and maintaining balance for overall well-being.

Ayurveda’s Role in Modern Healthcare

Dr D from India discussed the current state of Ayurveda, emphasising that it is not being practised as it should be and is not effectively addressing the increasing prevalence of lifestyle diseases in India. He highlighted the need for a holistic approach to treatment, focusing on lifestyle modifications based on Ayurvedic principles and the importance of evidence-based practice. Dr. D also stressed the importance of functional integration rather than physical integration of Ayurveda into modern healthcare. Dr. Krishna Muthi, a professor and head of the department at Alvaz, responded to earlier comments about integrating Ayurveda into modern healthcare, emphasising the preventative aspect of Ayurveda and its focus on sustaining wellness.

Promoting Ayurveda Globally and Adopting Principles

Dr M emphasised the importance of adopting Ayurvedic principles, such as daily routines, seasonal regimens, controlling urges, and reducing material attachments. He also urged individuals to maintain a healthy work-life balance through regular exercise, self-care, and conscious food choices. The discussion focused on promoting Ayurveda globally, with guests like Dr Muti highlighting the concept of family physicians and the need for Ayurvedic prescriptions from qualified practitioners. Dr. Kotch addressed concerns about marketing Ayurvedic products as herbal supplements. The team agreed to host an online conference involving experts to formulate a global action plan for Ayurveda.

Ayurvedic approach as a sustainable solution, emphasizing understanding individual needs and Obesity Management

Ravi discussed obesity and proposed the Ayurvedic approach as a sustainable solution, emphasising understanding individual needs and the body’s response to food. He highlighted the importance of clear goal-setting, regular exercise, and group support. An expert panel stressed the benefits of Ayurvedic massage and clarified guidelines on using oil-based on specific conditions.

Integrating Ayurveda Into Mainstream Medicine

Ravi Bannard, an Ayurveda expert, was introduced to discuss integrating Ayurvedic principles into mainstream medicine globally. The team agreed on the importance of this integration and emphasised the need for a concerted plan to present their case to authorities. USA Srini, Booma’s CEO, led discussions on combining Ayurvedic practices with technology for better healthcare. USA Jillian, a wellness expert with military experience, shared insights on introducing holistic therapies to veterans. The team discussed embracing technology and partnerships and providing data to demonstrate Ayurveda’s benefits.

Ayurveda and Mindful Eating Discussion

Hungary emphasised the importance of conscious and mindful eating according to Ayurveda, highlighting the benefits of organic, locally grown produce and the significance of understanding one’s body type. He also stressed the need for proper digestion, avoiding overeating, and the psychological aspect of being mindful while eating. Bharat agreed with Hungary’s points and discussed the potential health risks of over- or under-consumption, the importance of food combinations, and the traditional Indian system’s disease prevention benefits. The discussion also touched on the current state of Ayurveda in Hungary, with Hungary highlighting the need for proper knowledge and dispelling misconceptions. The episode concluded with an open question on building trust and faith in Ayurveda, with Hungary emphasising the importance of practitioners believing in their science and conveying that belief through their vibrations.

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Promotional banner for "healthy life ayurveda special" event on sunday, 7th july 2024 at 2pm bst, featuring green and orange design with a globe logo.


FREE Global Online Session 

Sunday  7th July   2024

U.S.A 9 am  ET

U.K 2 pm BST onwards

East Africa 4 pm 

Mauritius  5 pm 

India 6.30 pm 

Hong-Kong, Philippines, Singapore  9 pm 

(All times are in BST (British Summer Time))

Dr Amrita Sharma


2.00 pm

Dr Amrita Sharma


Dr Amrita Sharma did her Bachelors in Ayurvedic medicine and surgery (BAMS)and MD (Ayurvedic Materia medica).Her interest in studies took her back to explore more on alternative medicine, acupuncture, Alternative therapies, naturopathy, and courses on food and nutrition. 
She is registered with Yoga Alliance for e-500 hrs and YACEP. She has trained thousands of students from USA, Canada, Brazil, Australia, Europe, Russia, Chile, Israel, Argentina, Bolivia, Uganda, South Africa, UAE, Dubai, Thailand, Philippines, Poland and India.
She has more than fifteen years of clinical and teaching
experience in field of yoga, Ayurveda and holistic healing therapies.
Dr Sharma has presented paper and moderated numerous national and international conferences. Through her radio talks and podcasts she has shared her experiences, wellbeing tips and
lifestyle leads in day to day life through yoga, Ayurveda, and holistic health care. 
Presently she is working as Assistant professor in Ayurvedic College, India.She is an diligent social worker and assiduous environmentalist associated with NGO’s offering wellbeing programs for community service.

Dr Rajeev Gupta


2.00 pm

Resident Panelist

Dr Rajeev Gupta

Dr Rajeev Gupta is a qualified medical doctor with 26 years’ experience in National Health Service United Kingdom. He has been chairman of the Regional Council of BMA and Regional Consultants Committee and is Chairman of Central Specialist Committee of the Royal College.
He is a yoga teacher, has an interest in complementary and alternative medicine, and is the Master Mind keen on integrating Conventional Medicine with other disciplines. He believes that no branch or discipline is perfect and has the cure for all ailments, working together we can help the patients a lot more, particularly if we understand the benefits and weaknesses of different disciplines of medicines.
Outside medicine, he is a professional life coach and award-winning entrepreneur. He is keen on digital world and has created a Superchatpal Digital Sales Assistant which received International Hermes Platinum Award. He has mastered Emotional Intelligence and his book “Business use of Emotional Intelligence” is quite popular.

Graphic promoting "healthy life special - ayurveda for one health" online event on july 7, 2024, with a bright green and orange design, featuring the website link www.healingourearth.com.
A promotional image for a webinar titled "Ayurveda Special: Ayurveda for One Health, Ayurveda for Everyone Everyday." The event is on Sunday, 7th July 2024, starting at 2 PM BST. Dr. Naveen Gupta will speak at 2.10 PM on "Self Care & Emotional Regulation through Ayurveda Psychotherapy." Website: www.healingourearth.com.
Graphic promoting "healthy life special - ayurveda for one health" online event on july 7, 2024, with a bright green and orange design, featuring the website link www.healingourearth.com.
A promotional poster for an Ayurveda Special event featuring a smiling woman on the right. Text details: "Ayurveda Special: Ayurveda for One Health, Ayurveda for everyday! (FREE Global Online Episode), Sunday 7th July 2024, 2pm BST onwards. Isabelle Wachsmuth at 2:30pm BST, 3:30pm (Switzerland). Ayurveda, Creative Art and Integrative Health - a Holistic Approach." Website: www.healingyourearth.com.

Ish Sharma


3.00 pm

Professor Ish Sharma


Dr Ish Sharma, from a traditional Vaidya family, did his Post graduation and Doctorate in Ayurveda from the National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur. He has a special knack for Lifestyle Disorders and conducted many clinical trials against Diabetes, Auto Immune Disorders and Nervous system diseases.

Dr Sharma is a global figure in Ayurveda with 15 years of experience in Ayurveda Education delivery, training and patient care, Ayurveda Tourism in EU and ASEAN countries.

As a Panchakarma  clinician, he witnessed many marvellous results in most refractive patients. He authored 4 books, 20 peer reviewed medical research articles, headed Babeke Ayurveda Medical College in Punjab, India. He served as the Controller Of Examinations at Guru Ravidas Ayurved University, Hoshiarpur, Punjab for two years, and currently serving as the Academic Chair in Ayurveda Medicine at the University of Mauritius.

Graphic promoting "healthy life special - ayurveda for one health" online event on july 7, 2024, with a bright green and orange design, featuring the website link www.healingourearth.com.
A promotional image for a free global online episode titled "Ayurveda Special: Ayurveda for One Health, Ayurveda for everyone everyday!" scheduled on Sunday, 7th July 2024, from 2pm BST onwards. Dr. Antonio Morandi will speak at 3pm BST on "Bridging Ayurveda and Modern Medicine." Includes a headshot of Dr. Morandi and a logo with "HEALING OUR EARTH" at the top.
Graphic promoting "healthy life special - ayurveda for one health" online event on july 7, 2024, with a bright green and orange design, featuring the website link www.healingourearth.com.
The image is a promotional flyer for "Ayurveda Special" featuring guest contributor Sonica Krishan. It includes a headshot of Sonica Krishan and details of a free global online episode scheduled for Sunday, July 7, 2024, at 2 PM BST. The event is part of the "Healing Our Earth" initiative.
Graphic promoting "healthy life special - ayurveda for one health" online event on july 7, 2024, with a bright green and orange design, featuring the website link www.healingourearth.com.
A promotional poster features Dr. Narendra Kumar Garg as a guest contributor for an online Ayurveda special event by Healing Our Earth. The event, themed "Ayurveda for One Health, Ayurveda for everyone everyday!" is scheduled for Sunday, July 7, 2024, starting at 2 pm BST.
Graphic promoting "healthy life special - ayurveda for one health" online event on july 7, 2024, with a bright green and orange design, featuring the website link www.healingourearth.com.
A promotional image for a Healing Our Earth event titled "AYURVEDA SPECIAL". The event focuses on Ayurveda for achieving one health. Details include Sunday, 7th July 2024, at 2 PM BST. Jayant Khullar is a guest contributor. The image shows Jayant Khullar in formal attire. Website: www.healingourearth.com.
Graphic promoting "healthy life special - ayurveda for one health" online event on july 7, 2024, with a bright green and orange design, featuring the website link www.healingourearth.com.
The image is a promotional flyer for an Ayurveda special event featuring VD Shridev Phondani as a guest contributor. The event is titled "Ayurveda for One Health, Ayurveda for everyone every day!" and will be held on Sunday, July 7, 2024, at 2 PM BST. A photo of Shridev Phondani is included on the right side. The website listed is www.healingourearth.com.
Graphic promoting "healthy life special - ayurveda for one health" online event on july 7, 2024, with a bright green and orange design, featuring the website link www.healingourearth.com.
A collage features multiple speakers and hosts for the "Ayurveda Special" event on Sunday, July 23rd, 2024, at 3pm BST. Each section highlights different individuals with titles like "Senior Anchor," "Resident Ayurveda Expert," and "Senior Guest," along with session timings and Healthylife logos.

Dr Pardeep Kumar


Dr Pardeep Kumar


Dr. Pardeep Kumar is a postgraduate in Basic Principles of Ayurveda. He is a Panchkarma Consultant working from 20 years in both Clinical & Academic Fields of Ayurveda. He is serving as Professor in affiliated Ayurveda Institute in India alongwith Director of his own Panchkarma Centre named Herbomiraclez Ayurveda India.
Dr Kumar is an International visiting Faculty for the same to Schenegen & Asian Countries, Australia, New Zealand, Nepal & many more other places. Patients visit for Panchkarma Treatments for Acute & Chronic Ailments at his Clinic from all around the Globe. While his visits abroad India, he managed Events & Workshops in concern with Panchkarma Wellness Treatments.
He has keen interest in Promotion & Globalisation of Authentic & Traditional Ayurveda.
Healthy life ayurveda special.



A promotional image for "Ayurveda Special" featuring Prof. Dr. Bhairav Kulkarni. The event focuses on an Ayurvedic diet for major illnesses and will be held on Sunday, 7th July 2024, starting at 2 PM BST (GMT) and 8:30 PM in India. The website mentioned is "www.healingourearth.com.

 Rajan Patankar


4.15 pm

 Vaidya Rajan Patankar



A promotional poster for "Ayurveda Special: Global Online Session" scheduled on Sunday, 7th July 2024. The session features Rtn Lal Goel, Dr. D C Katoch, and Dr. M S Krishnamurthy. The timing is 4:30 PM BST/9:00 PM IST. Their photos and affiliations are presented, with a green leafy border.
A poster promoting "Ayurveda Special," featuring a session on "How to Weight Manage Simply" by Ravi Bhanot MBE. The event is on Sunday, 7th July 2024 at 2 PM BST, with Ravi speaking at 5:15 PM BST. The design includes an image of Ravi Bhanot in formal attire, alongside event details and the Healing Our Earth logo.
An image promoting an Ayurveda special event featuring VedAcharya Dhanada Kulkarni. The event is on Sunday, July 7, 2024, starting at 2 pm BST. Dhanada will speak at 5:45 pm BST, discussing the role of Ayurveda in future medicine. Event details and the website www.healingourearth.com are included.
A promotional flyer for a global online episode titled "AYURVEDA SPECIAL - Ayurveda for One Health, Ayurveda for everyone everyday!". It features Jillian Wright, a certified massage practitioner, and includes timings for the event on 7th July 2024. The flyer has a logo and a photo of Jillian Wright.




Rakesh Zope


6.15 pm

Rakesh Zope

The Art Of Concious Eating

Vaidya Rakesh Zope is an Ayurveda Consultant from India. Helping others, observing nature closely and medical science has always been his interests. That led him to acquire a Postgraduate degree in Dravyaguna (Ayurvedic Herbology) and Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery degree, both from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences – Bengaluru, India.
He has expertise in ancient Ayurvedic techniques like Pulse diagnosis (Naadi Pariksha) and Sri Sri Marma for which he was trained at Sri Sri College of Ayurvedic Science and Research, Bengaluru. Based in Hungary he also conducts Breathing and Meditation Workshops, through the Art of Living Organization

Prof. S Priyadarshini


Prof. Shantala Priyadarshini

Senior Panelist

Vaidya Shantala Priyadarshini, a postgraduate from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health sciences, had the privilege of being invited as Ayurveda eye expert to Maharishi Vedic University. She is Popular teacher of Ayurveda, writer, clinician. Her articles for the public and scientific community provided recognition, invitation to Southern University of Australia, Adelaide. Guided to draft Ayurveda syllabus for certificate courses, degree, post-graduation in India, Netherland and UK. She has a Masters in Ayurveda, Sanskrit, and Environmental science has to her credit many books, articles, and awards.
Shantala is a renown clinician, globally, and her patients seek her consultation for Multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s diseases, medical management in surgical conditions. Her specialisation is in the management of diabetic complications and eye problems.
Presently she is deputed by the Government of India as Ayurveda professor to University of Latvia.

Promotional graphic for a "healthy life special" episode on ayurveda, airing globally online on july 7, 2024, at 2 pm bst at www.healingourearth.com, with an earth-themed logo.



Promotional graphic for a "healthy life special" episode on ayurveda, airing globally online on july 7, 2024, at 2 pm bst at www.healingourearth.com, with an earth-themed logo.
Promotional graphic for a "healthy life special" episode on ayurveda, airing globally online on july 7, 2024, at 2 pm bst at www.healingourearth.com, with an earth-themed logo.


Technical Director –  Nishit Kotak 

Kitchen Episode Producer – Seema Bhatia

Beauty Episode Producer – Vaishali Acharya

Health Episode Producer – Dr Rajeev Gupta 

Ayurveda Episode Producer – Prof Ish Sharma

Dance Episode Producer/Anchor  – Dr Honey Kalaria

Kitchen Episodes Producer/Host – Seema Bhatia 

Mauritius Coordinator/Host – Saivani Samboo

Yoga & Meditation Producer – Riddhi Vyas

U.S.A Coordinator/Host – Sharron Rose

Media Team – Kesh Morjaria 

Creative Director – Sarita Menon

HOST TEAM–  Dr Amrita Sharma, Pof Ish Sharma ,

Rotarian Lal Goel and  Sharron Rose


BACK UP TEAM –  Dr Lalit Sodha, Dr Sheila Dobee,                   Dr Milen Shah, Dr Wai Ching Lee,   Mala Naicker,

Rtn Lal Goel, Kirit Mistry

Ravi & Sushma Bhanot,    Riddhi Vyas,        Mina Khagram, Vaishali Acharya    and Shivani Vithlani.

Facilitator Team – VARIOUS

SOME CHANNEL PARTNERS – Hindu Forum of Europe, MentalHealth_Connect, Hindu Matters in Britain, , Sanskruti, Simran Ahuja Official, Diwali in London,        Sarita Sabrawal Official, Gyan, Sacred Mysteries, SAHA

and many more.

Special Thanks : Strategic Web Success and www.inndus.co.uk

Promotional graphic for a "healthy life special" episode on ayurveda, airing globally online on july 7, 2024, at 2 pm bst at www.healingourearth.com, with an earth-themed logo.

6.00 pm



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