FREE Global Online Event
Sunday 29th May 2022
2pm till 8pm BST
9am till 3pm ET USA
4pm till 10pm East Africa
5pm till 11pm Mauritius
9pm till 3am Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore
(All times are in BST(British Summer Time))
Dr Honey Kalaria
2.00 pm
Dr Honey Kalaria
Dr Honey Kalaria is a mind body soul coach and an award-winning creative dance expert with over 35 years of experience in the field of art, culture & entertainment.
Honey has been a spiritual seeker and meditator since she was a teenager, and regularly practices Samarpan Meditation which is part of Dhyan Yoga, taught by the Himalayan yogi Shiv Krupanand Swami. She has enjoyed studying many spiritual disciplines and yogic sciences ranging from Raja Yoga taught by Brahma Kumaris, Art of Living by Ravi Shankar, Vipassana by Goenka, Isha Kriya by Sadguru, Kundalini Yoga by Yogi Bhajan, Vedantic Spiritual practices as taught by Chinmaya Mission, as well as other Western practices such as Mindfulness and Transcendental Meditation. She believes it is important to self-reflect, contemplate and grow spiritually to become a better human being.
Dr Rajeev Gupta
2.05 pm
Dr Rajeev Gupta
Welcome Message
Dr Rajeev Gupta is a qualified medical doctor with 26 years’ experience in National Health Service United Kingdom. He has been chairman of the Regional Council of BMA and Regional Consultants Committee and is Chairman of Central Specialist Committee of the Royal College.
He is a yoga teacher, has an interest in complementary and alternative medicine, and is the Master Mind keen on integrating Conventional Medicine with other disciplines. He believes that no branch or discipline is perfect and has the cure for all ailments, working together we can help the patients a lot more, particularly if we understand the benefits and weaknesses of different disciplines of medicines.
Outside medicine, he is a professional life coach and award-winning entrepreneur. He is keen on digital world and has created a Suerchatpal Digital Sales Assistant which received International Hermes Platinum Award. He has mastered Emotional Intelligence and his book “Business use of Emotional Intelligence” is quite popular.
2.15 pm- 3.45 pm
Interprofessional Collaboration
Panel and Forum
Summary and Discussion
Dr Tariq Jagmag
2.15 pm
Acharya Prathistaji
2.35 pm
Dr Madan Thangavelu
2.55 pm
Prof. Madan Thangavelu
Interprofessional Collaboration
Jane Silver
3.15 pm
3.35 pm
Panel Discussions
4.00 pm
Tai Chi and Qigong Union GB
Discussion and Panel
Keith Sharp
4.00 pm
Keith Sharp
Welcome all to this Session by
Tai Chi and Qigong Union GB
Ambikha Devi
(Hong Kong)
4.05 pm
Ambikha Devi
Karma Yoga
Video Presentation
Tevia Feng
4.15 pm
Tevia Feng
White Tiger Qigong
Mark Peters
4.30 pm
Mark Peters
Chairman TCUGB
Aims and Visions – England
Malcolm Calvert
4.45 pm
Malcolm Calvert
Shibashi and Programmes
James MacRitchie
5.00 pm
James MacRitchie
The Personal Energy Centre,
Acupuncture and Energy
Colin Huffen
5.15 pm
Colin Huffen
Standards and CIMPSA – TCUGB
partnership, Royal Charter –
Nina London
5.30 pm
Nina London
KS Partnership and Qigong
David Dorian Ross
5.45 pm
David Dorian Ross
Taiji Fit
Keith Sharp
6.00 pm
Keith Sharp
Representative, Collaboration,
Integrative Care
6.15 pm
Panel and Forum
Dr Wai Ching Lee
6.30 pm
Dr Wai Ching Lee
Rev. Dr. Wai-Ching Lee is a medical intuitive healer from a traditional lineage. She is also a U.S. qualified Holistic Health Counselor and Holistic Bodywork Therapist. As the principal of EarthHeART Holistic Consultancy she has been collaborating with medical doctors in the field of Integrative Medicine since 1992 .
Wai-Ching is also a member of several organiszations of Integrative Medicine and has been on panels and discussions with the medical profession in co-creating new paradigms and protocols for Holistic Medicine. Currently, she sits on the Health and Medical Advisory Board of Nature’s Frequencies and serves as a consultant to the spa and hospitality industry as well. She provides leadership in many other humanitarian and environmental organizations as well as her own program of Living Healing Arts Vortex (LHAV)
Wai-Ching Lee has synthesized several cutting- edge evolutionary modalities in the field of Energy or Vibrational Medicine. She has developed Infinity Quantum Qi-Gong, an accelerated restorative treatment and multi-dimensional healing and is the Associate Producer of Quantum Qi Movie, with Sharron Rose of Sacred Mysteries.
Kirit Mistry
6.35 pm
Kirit Mistry
Integrated health & transforming health inequalities through community engagement and empowerment.
Keval Sachdev
7.00 pm
Keval Sachdev
Empowering Youngsters in Schools through Social Action
Nima Patel
7.20 pm
Nima Patel
Mindful Champs
Panel and Forum
Summary and Discussion
Technical Director – Nishit Kotak
Health Episodes Producer – Dr Rajeev Gupta
Luxembourg Producer/Host – Kiran Robinson
Kitchen Episodes Producer/Host – Seema Bhatia
Production Director/Anchor – Dr Honey Kalaria
Mauritius Co-Ordinator/Host – Saivani Samboo
U.S.A Co-Ordinator/Host – Sharron Rose
Creative Director – Sarita Menon
Host Director – Simran Ahuja
Media Team – Kesh Morjaria
Host Team – Dr Honey Kalaria, Dr Rajeev Gupta, Keith Sharp and Dr Wai Ching Lee
Back Up Team – Dr Lalit Sodha, Dr Sheila Dobee, Dr Milen Shah, Dr Wai Ching Lee, Shivali Ruparelia, Ravi & Sushma Bhanot, Dr Nora Vyas, Shivani Vithlani, Sharron Rose and Dr Ju Lee Tay
Facilitator Team – Various
Channel Partners – Hindu Forum of Europe, MentalHealth_Connect, Hindu Matters in Britain, Enrich, Sanskruti, Simran Ahuja Official, Diwali in London, Bhakti Sagar TV, Sarita Sabrawal Official and many more.
Special Thanks : Strategic Web Success and